First Metro Mishap
I’ve ridden Metro off and on for years now, and yesterday was the very first time I had to deal with a complete snafu with the trains. At the Willowbrook Blue Line station where I connect to my final train to get to work, there was a train stuck on the southbound track. It looked like there was a power failure with that side of the tracks, so they had to funnel all the traffic to the northbound side of the station. Of course that involved having to shut everything down so they could reprogram the trains.
Then once they got things running, the trains were completely packed like sardine tins. I ended up being 15 minutes late to work, so it wasn’t completely horrible, but still. And it’s not bad considering how often I take the trains and busses that I haven’t experienced this before. I guess it could be worse like up in San Francisco dealing with all the BART system outages or in DC where the Metro catches fire.
While I do like being able to wake up a little later when I take my car, I like how I can just read my book while on the commute on Metro. I’ve decided to take Metro three days of the week and drive twice. That should help a little bit, right?
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