B&J Podcast Episode 4: One Hour Closer to Death

Jimmy and Brendan Here is our latest podcast offering, our best yet. We start things off with:
  1. Body Count’s “Evil Dick”
  2. Talk about my crippling depression I had on my birthday
  3. Bitch about trite Facebook birthday messages
  4. My perverted sexual dreams
  5. My not-so-perverted-but-equally-disgusting bowel movements
  6. Our love of Bret Easton Ellis
  7. The evolution of Geryon
  8. The discovery that Joaquin Phoenix was in To Die For
  9. The hilarity of the Dodgers opening day
  10. Our hate of Robin Thicke and his rape song
  11. Our little ode to Kurdt Kobain and much more.
The songs in this podcast were the aforementioned Body Count song, Liars “Mess on a Mission”, Trust “Geryon” and Nirvana “Endless, Nameless”. Tell your friends all about the podcast that will scorch the nation worse than Sherman’s March to the Sea. Sure, you’ll have to cover your children’s ears, but as Pat Benetar once sang, “Hell is for children.” We are on iTunes or you can manually subscribe to the show via RSS.

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