Porn Names
If I do go down the road of being nekkid, I suppose I have to come up with a proper nom de guerre. I was always told the proper porn name is the name of your first pet and the name of the street you grew up on. That would make me Pepper Roberts. Funny. I don’t feel like a Pepper Roberts. A Pepper Roberts would be someone who wears a lot of vinyl and rubber and latex in cyberpunk bondage gear of sorts. I somehow picture a much sluttier version of Switchblade Symphony’s Tina Root:
I don’t feel that I fit that. Maybe more of a Pot Roast Murphy or a Baby Back. I’m open to suggestions which you can send me using my contact form.
With Dallas Aunt coming next week and leaving on Jan. 4, I’m starting to put together my social calendar for those two weeks. It’s pretty amazing and depressing just how slim that calendar is.

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