Best of 2007

Well that was a mighty hangover. It took me a full day to recover. I sat around the house yesterday watching bowl games trying to stem the flow of vomit from rising up from the bowels of my being. With that pleasant thought out of the way, here are the things that I liked in 2007. Albums 1. M.I.A. – Kala 2. Menomena – Friend and Foe 3. Of Montreal – Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? 4. Spoon – Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga 5. Liars – Liars 6. Animal Collective – Strawberry Jam 7. Shellac – Excellent Italian Greyhound 8. Justice – 9. Blonde Redhead – 23 10. No Age – Weirdo Rappers Songs 1. M.I.A. – Paper Planes
2. PJ Harvey – The Mountain
3. Menomena – Boyscout’n
4. Arcade Fire – The Well and the Lighthouse
5. Liars – Plaster Casts of Everything
6. Shellac – The End of Radio
7. Deerhoof – +81
8. Okkervil River – Our Life Is Not a Movie or Maybe
9. Justice – D.A.N.C.E.
10. Battles – Atlas
  1. Moving – For the first time in my life, I live in my own apartment. Scratch that. I still have my cat Squee who owns the place. But there are no other humans to bump into.
  2. LAist – When they issued a call for Dodgers writers in March, I submitted a little corny piece. The other Dodger blogger just dropped out after the first several weeks of the season, and there I was blogging into the unknown. This is probably the best thing I have ever done. For reals.
  3. Getting laid off – For the first time in a very long time I was not working for a month. I wasn’t desperate for a job and just enjoyed being able to the mundane things. This was the first extended break I’ve had since college, and boy was it nice.
  4. Getting a new job – I now have a job that I like and that challenges me. I’m very happy with it (with the exception of the goddamn commute) and hope to be there for a long time.
  5. Relationships – My stab at having one this year was hopeful. But everything that’s bad about me (selfishness and boredom are a couple that come to mind) came roaring through yet again. It didn’t last long, but it served to confirm that I’m just not ready for one yet. Eh.
Coming into 2007, ex-Roomie and I talked about how it was going to be a year of upheaval. Boy did it not disappoint. Looking at this list, I think all the changes have been positive. There is always room for improvement, so I look forward to continuing that this year. I don’t do resolutions, so there. Happy New Years everyone!

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