Deefhoof @ The Echo 11/22/05

What a great show. Deerhoof played a set heavy with songs from their new album The Runners Four. Hearing the songs in a live context changed my mind about the album. The songs despite being the most melodic pieces they’ve done still have that avant edge to them. “Wrong Time Capsule” epitomizes everything about the new album. My favorite moments were when they played the older stuff. “Flower” from Apple O was early on in the set, and “Panda Panda Panda” closed the main set. These songs are just so simple and fun it’s hard not to shake your booty to them. Another great moment was during “Milkman” when Satomi announced, “the milkman is here tonight.” It was indeed the milkman from the cover of the album just dancing away in the middle of the stage. Wifey said as we were walking back to my place that the show was everything he liked about 60s pop music. It’s true. Deerhoof take everything that’s great about pop music, put it in a blender and serve it as a smoothie with some whipped cream. Listening to “The Eyebright Bugler” from Reveille, I can’t help but think the same thing. True it takes some time to appreciate what they give to you, but once you let it all in the brilliance is there. I hope the annoying guy next to us who kept on saying, “dude this band sucks,” will get that. But then again, he was probably there to see the Flying Luttenbachers. [insert chortle]

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