Aren’t Those Pumpkins Dead Yet?

At first I thought it was horrible indigestion. But then I remembered I read that Billy Corgan wants to reform the Smashing Pumpkins. Actually I don’t know what’s worse, the new album cover or that.

On the upside, I made a little find yesterday. Back in 95 or so, there was a show on syndication called Weird TV. It was this awesome show comprised of clips from 5 seconds long to 5 minutes long of the most bizarre things ever. It actually did live up to its name! So I did some searching, and I found a little web thingee on it. I even had to email the host and producer. Even though it was cancelled after one season, it was the best thing I have ever seen on the boob tube.

That’s it. Oh and I learned one thing last night: pot kills productivity.