It seemed Livejournal was down. I didn’t buy a camera this weekend because it would be pointless since I have a computer from the stone age. Nonetheless I went on a buying rampage.


  • Freaknest by Lance Olson
  • Rip-Off Red, Girl Detective and the Burning Bombing of America: The Destruction of the U.S by Kathy Acker
  • The Philosophy of Punk by Craig O’Hara
  • At Swim, Two Boys by Jaime O’Neill

  • Rumors Laid Waste and March on Electric Children by The Blood Bros.
  • Northern Lights by Covenant
  • The Moving Units EP
  • Black Rooster EP by The Kills
  • !!! by !!!
  • Reveille by Deerhoof
  • A Promise by Xiu Xiu
  • Mortal Mirror by Quix*o*tic

  • Mulholland Drive
  • Cecil B. Demented

    I went a little crazy with all of that. Tee hee. Aside from going out with urbanemonkey and co. on Friday night, it was a very solitary weekend. I caught Till Human Voices Wake Us with Guy Pearce (of Memento fame) and Helena Bonham Carter Saturday night for the simple fact that it was a TS Eliot line. “Let us go then you and I….” The movie was half-way decent, better than most out there.

    Hope everyone has a great week. I’ll be seeing Milemarker and The Blood Bros on Thursday so Woo Hoo!