
I am so bored, I think I’m going to start doing science experiments with the snack cakes here. Or I could post a string of gibberish here and seem productive. Things I’m Pondering Now:
  • How much could I get a nice pair of shit-kicker boots for?
  • How often would I wear said boots?
  • If I shaved one side of my head, would I still have a job?
  • When will I be able to finish a Saturday LA Times crossword puzzle?
  • Shit! I’m going to be 24 soon!
  • What would I be doing if I were hetero?
  • Who would I be doing if I were hetero?
  • Who would win in a fight, Jesus or the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
  • …Superman or Siouxie Sioux? My mind is a cesspool of inanity. Thank god for LJ.

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