Leaving Santa Barbara last night was an adventure, to say the least. I knew there would be a lot of congestion if I left earlier in the evening, so I deliberately left at 9:30 pm. Once out of Santa Barbara city limits, there’s about a 20-mile stretch before the Ventura County line. My average speed on that 20-mile stretch: 5 mph. Nevermind I had people on my ass most of the time (apparantly they thought they would get to their destination faster if they did so). All in all, a pretty nerve racking experience. Anyhow, after that it was pretty much smooth sailing. After talking to babaluma yesterday afternoon, went Downtown with A____ and got the new Flaming Lips album, Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, Gogol’s Dead Souls, the complete works of Arthur Rimbaud and noodle, a new gay Asian/Pacific Islander mag. noodle is pretty disappointing, but it’s their premiere issue so it will be interesting to see where they go from here. There was nothing really in-depth or stirring about any of the pieces; my only reaction was “so?…” So there you have it. No drama this time around! Woo hoo!!

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